Lectures and COVID-19 – UPDATING
As specified by the University of Pisa regulations, the Department of Economics and Management will organize its lectures online for the Second Semester of the academic year 2020/2021. Virtual rooms will be set up following the standard timetable.
In particular, the Board of the University of Pisa last January 29th, January 2021 established the following rules for the second semester of the a.y. 2020/21 of MBE:
- “practical activities in presence”: lectures are held remotely through IT platforms; the internship activities (compulsory in the third year of the degree course) can be also carried on physically in compliance with the complementary indications available at the link –> https://www.unipi.it/images/pdf/fase3/IC_post_DPCM_14_01_2021.pdf
Information concerning lectures is available at the page “How to attend online classes – A guide for students“
Lectures of the Bachelor of Science in Management for Business and Economics (MBE) will start February 22nd, 2021.
You can find the timetable of the Spring Semester a.y. 2020/21 at the Timetable page