(Financial Reporting and Analysis)

(Principles Of Economics – Industrial and Managerial Economics

(History of economic thought)

(Auditing and management control)

(Strategy and Entrepreneurship)


(Financial Accounting and Reporting)

(Sustainable development)

(European Macroeconomics)
Other lecturers…
- Andrea Dello Sbarba (Management and Fundamentals of Accounting – Strategy and Entrepreneuership)
- Cristina Campanale (Management and Fundamentals of Accounting)
- Daniele Buoncristiani (Business and Commercial Law)
- Elisa Giuliani (International Management and Marketing)
- Elisa Lupetti (French Language)
- Giovanna D’Inverno (Principles of Mathematics)
- Mary Jennifer Fowler (Lector Business English)
- Mirko Tavosanis (Italian linguistics)
- Pier Mario Pacini (Introduction To Decision Theory)
- Pierluigi Martino (Banking and financial markets)
- Pierre Dehez (Introduction to Decision Theory)
- Pietro Guarineri (Principles of Economics)
- Rafael Porras Montero (Spanish Language)
- Silvia Ferramosca (Financial Reporting and Analysis)
- Thomas Renstrom (Public Policy)
- Vicente Rios Ibanez (Quantitative Economics for Business)
Each student is assigned a teacher – tutor whose task is to follow him/her throughout his/her career until he/she obtains his/her degree.
Please cosult the list of Univesity numbers (matricola) and their tutor at the following links:
- I year students –> https://mbe.ec.unipi.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MBE_DOCENTI_TUTOR_1_anno.pdf
- II year students –> https://mbe.ec.unipi.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MBE_DOCENTI_TUTOR_2_anno.pdf
- III year students –> https://mbe.ec.unipi.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MBE_DOCENTI_TUTOR_3_anno.pdf
The contact details of each teacher – tutor and the timetable for lectures can be consulted by clicking directly on the name of the teacher – tutor shown upside or by searching by surname at http://unimap.unipi.it/cercapersone/