Article 1 – Purpose
The Bachelor’s of Science in Management for Business and Economics at the Department of Economics and Management has approved that students can carry out the internship in the study plan in order to recognize 2 ECTS through the participation in a project work.
For this reason, students of the bachelor in Management for Business and Economics can express their interest to participate in the project work proposed by the wealth manager of BARTOLI SpA, Giorgio Bartoli (http://www.bartolispa.it/).
Information and documentation concerning the internship are available at the page https://mbe.ec.unipi.it/curricular-internship/
This training activity may be recognized as an “Internship / field project” with a judgment of “Eligible” for 2 ects.
Article 2– Admission requirements
Students enrolled to the Bachelor’s of Science in Management for Business and Economics of the Department of Economics and Management in the academic year 2020/2021 and in pair with the University fees can apply. The selection is primarily aimed to the students who need the 2 ects of the internship in order to obtain the final degree.
Article 3 – Application procedure and deadlines
The expression of interest and the required documents must be submitted electronically by filling out the form at the website https://forms.office.com/r/9nN1UJK8d1 by 22/04/2021 h23.59 .
The student must enter all the data required for the application and attach the documents in PDF format.
The student must indicate:
- the year of enrollment to the bachelor in MBE;
- the number of ects obtained by 12/02/2021;
- the weighted average[1] of the marks;
- to be in pair with the payment of university fees.
The candidate must also attach:
- the exams’ certificate (downloadable from Alice portal, in the Certificate section);
- copy of identity card.
Article 4 – Evaluation of application
The selection of students will be made on a single selection criterion à PS = NS x MP (PS is the student’s score; MP is the weighted average[2] of the marks of the exams taken by the student; NS is the number of credits achieved by the student on 20/04/2021).
The list of selected students will be drawn up according to the decreasing order of score obtained in the arithmetic average of the Student Scores (PS). The first 5 students will be admitted to the project work, who will have to carry out the project work in three main phases:
- Identification of a company problem solving case: the manager will propose a business problem to the selected group of students;
- Elaboration of the solution: students will be able to discuss with the manager to analyze the problem and to identify possible solutions;
- Final presentation: the student group should present the solution to the problem in order to obtain the 2 ects linked to the internship.