Application procedure a. y. 2025/2026

Please make sure you have the admission requirements before applying

Applicants are required to submit application online only at “portale Alice” by 12.00 AM of each application deadline, following the instructions provided on Matricolandosi website in the section “How to sign up to the admission test“.

In order to sign up:

  • You will be asked to insert details about your Health Insurance card (tessera sanitaria) and your tax code (codice fiscale).
  • If you don’t have a Tax Code, tick the box “Foreign student without Italian Tax Code” (the system will calculate it automatically – remember to request the official one, once you are in Italy).
  • If you don’t have a residency permit, put 30th of June (of the current year) as expiry date, and “Post office receipt” as “Type of residency permit”. Remember to apply for the residency permit within 8 working days from your arrival date in Italy
  • Put your name and surname as they are reported on the ID you will upload.
  • Upload a scanned copy of your Identity Document and a passport-sized photograph.
  • Once you entered your personal area, please select “Secretariat” and then “Admission Test” and follow the procedure in your personal area;
  • remember to insert the final grade of the High School Diploma (from the menu at the top right choose “Degrees/Qualification“) by the deadline.
  • upload (mandatory!) one between ENGLISH TOLC-E/TOLC-E/SAT/GMAT/ACT certification by 00.00 AM of the session deadline day, on pain of being excluded by the ranking;
  • upload (optional) the eventual English Language certification (B2, C1, C2 or further level) by 00.00 AM of the session deadline. If not uploaded, the certification will not be assessed;
  • Once you have completed the registration, a receipt of registration to the admission test with a unique number will be available.

Online applications on Alice portal will only be considered.
No applications will be accepted after the deadlines.

The Welcome International Students! (WIS!) Enrolment office
is at Piazza Torricelli 4 -56126 Pisa
For enrolment enquiries please e-mail to: Tel. +39 050 221207
For didactic enquiries please email to: Tel. +39 050 2216469